Skema Uang Kuliah Mahasiswa Angkatan 2023


Physical Education and Recreation


Physical Education and Recreation




Head of the Study Program         : Ali Mardius, M.Pd


  1. Meiraini Armen, M.Pd
  2. Apriyanti Rahmalia, M.Pd
  3. Arfon Meirony, M.Pd
  4. Yuni Astuti, M.Pd
  5. Lucy Oktavani, M.Pd





Becoming a superior and dignified study program in producing graduates in the field of physical education, health and recreation at the national level by 2022 




1. Implement and develop education and teaching oriented in the fields of physical education, health and recreation.
2. Carry out research by upholding scientific freedom and high competitiveness in developing physical and recreational physical education.
3. Carry out community service by applying physical education, health and recreation to the welfare of the community that is appropriate and efficient.
4. Independence, work, innovation and entrepreneurship.




1. Obtaining the explicit recognition, implementation and superior institutional governance and fulfill the wishes of stakeholders.
2. Produc
ing graduates who are professionals in the fields of physical education, health and recreation who are able to compete nationally and internationally.
3. Produc
ing quality research which can be published at national and international levels.
4. Produc
ing effective community service based on the needs of the community and able to collaborate with other fields more widely and variedly.
5. Produc
ing graduates who are moral, have integrity, have high social sensitivity, and who reflect the character of Bung Hatta.


Dr. Yetty Morelent, M. Hum. (Dekan FKIP)

Dra. Zulfa Amrina, M. Pd. (Wakil Dekan FKIP)

Dr. Gusnetti, M. Pd (Ka. Prodi Pindo)

Dra. Pebriyenni, M. Si (Ka. Prodi PPKn)

Fitrina Harmaini, S.S., M.A. (Ka. Prodi PING)

Puspa Amelia, S.Si., M. Si. (Ka. Prodi PMAT)

Dr. Enjoni, M.P. (Ka. Prodi PGSD)

Rona Taula Sari, S.Si., M. Pd. (Ka. Prodi PBIO)

Dr. Karmila Suryani, M. Kom. (Ka. Prodi PTIK)

Ali Mardius, S. Pd., M. Pd. (Ka. Prodi PJKR)

Dr. Syofiani, M. Pd. (Ka. Prodi Magister Pindo)

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