The Names of Lecturers in Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program

Head of the Study Program           : Drs. Yusrizal, M.Si

Secretary of the Study Program    : Dr. Muslim Tawakal , SH, M.Pd

  1. Dra. Pebriyenni, M.Si
  2. Drs. Nurharmi, M.Si
  3. Drs. Muhamad Nursi, M.Si
  4. Dra. Sumarni, M.Pd
  5. Bambang Trisno, S.Pd., M.Pd



VISION and MISSION of Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program



By 2020 to become a superior study program at the national level which produces professional citizenship education teachers, having sensitivity, awareness and responsibility towards the issues of society, nationality and statehood and able to actualize it in journalistic professionalism.



1. Organizing education in the field of Civic Education in a democratic climate and academic freedom
2. Carry
ing out research, related to the issue of learning citizenship and the actual issues faced by the community, nation and state
3. Carry
ing out community service and socialize national values, democracy and color the findings and alternative solutions to problems faced.


Dr. Yetty Morelent, M. Hum. (Dekan FKIP)

Dra. Zulfa Amrina, M. Pd. (Wakil Dekan FKIP)

Dr. Gusnetti, M. Pd (Ka. Prodi Pindo)

Dra. Pebriyenni, M. Si (Ka. Prodi PPKn)

Fitrina Harmaini, S.S., M.A. (Ka. Prodi PING)

Puspa Amelia, S.Si., M. Si. (Ka. Prodi PMAT)

Dr. Enjoni, M.P. (Ka. Prodi PGSD)

Rona Taula Sari, S.Si., M. Pd. (Ka. Prodi PBIO)

Dr. Karmila Suryani, M. Kom. (Ka. Prodi PTIK)

Ali Mardius, S. Pd., M. Pd. (Ka. Prodi PJKR)

Dr. Syofiani, M. Pd. (Ka. Prodi Magister Pindo)

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